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Some burglars use lock bumping techniques to enter homes. MSD explains how to choose a front security door lock and why it should have anti-bump cylinders.
6 September 2022
Anti-Bump Cylinders – What they are and why you need one

Have you ever tried to pick a lock using a hairpin like they do in the movies? If so, chances are it didn’t work for you.

But having said that, there are thieves out there with a talent for picking locks using various techniques and tools. This includes a method known as lock bumping.

The tricks of the trade

Lock bumping is a technique used by locksmiths using an aptly-named bump key (or 999 key) and a hammer. With the right tools the lock can be opened within seconds, leaving no signs of forced entry.

This method consists of inserting the bump key into the lock and pulling it back by one pin length. The key is then struck with a hammer which knocks the pins out of position, enabling the lock to be easily turned and the door opened.

Unfortunately, sometimes bump tools fall into the wrong hands, making it easy for intruders who know how to use them to enter homes. It is also quite possible that lock bumping can be done without a bump key altogether with a bit of practice, using an improvised tool instead. It’s also quite likely that most standard domestic door locks can be bumped!

Another method of picking locks is lock drilling. This consists of inserting a drill bit into the keyhole which cuts through each of the pins and destroys them. The lock can then be opened with a flat-head screwdriver. Once a lock has been drilled, it will need replacing.

How to choose a front security door lock

Fortunately, you can get high-security locks that protect against bumping and drilling.

Anti-bump cylinder locks have more pins than standard locks, as well as shallow pin stacks that prevent the pins from being bumped.

Anti-drill locks come with hardened steel pins or plates that prevent drilling. Using a drill on an anti-drill lock is likely to damage the drill bits or even cause the tool to burn out – and hopefully the would-be intruder to give up!

So when shopping for a door lock you should look for one that is anti-bump and anti-drill, comes from a reputable brand, and has long warranties.

Pairing security doors with high-security locks

Of course a great way to help prevent unauthorised entry to your home is by installing strong security screen doors. Quality security doors have mesh screens that are extremely tough and difficult to cut or remove from the frame.

However, since burglars can use methods other than kicking in a door or removing a screen, such as picking locks, your security door should also have a strong locking mechanism to match.

This means when looking into installing a security screen door for your home, you should also enquire about the best types of locking systems to go with it.

At MSD, we use Lockwood 8654 locking systems as these products are high quality and have excellent security features.

If you’d like additional help with door and lock security solutions, get in touch with us for a consultation or a no-obligation quote.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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