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Keen to burglar proof your home? These top security tips for your home can help.
6 September 2022
12 security tips for your home

Research into the methods and motivations of burglars shows they tend to operate opportunistically. They strike where they see the chance to get in and out of a property quickly, and nab a few valuables along the way!

So, if you are going to be away from your home for a period of time, or you are simply concerned about day-to-day security, it might be time to consider measures to help burglar proof your home.

These simple security tips for your home (along with some expert guidance from burglars themselves!) can get you started.

Join a local Neighbourhood Watch group

The presence of Neighbourhood Watch groups has been shown to help significantly reduce local crime rates.

If you don't have a local Neighbourhood Watch, you can just get to know your neighbours in an informal way and be observant of what happens in your street. That way you can look out for each other when the need arises.

Ensure valuables are not visible

Valuable items should not be visible from outside your home, as they can act as a drawcard for opportunistic burglars. This includes cash, wallets, car keys, expensive jewellery and electronic devices. These items should be kept out of view and ideally be secured or removed while you’re away.

Install security systems, lighting and timers

The presence of sensor lighting, alarms and CCTV cameras act as deterrents to would-be burglars. It’s important that your security systems are in good working order, so make sure to get them regularly serviced.

An electronic timer can also be set up to switch on your lights and television at certain times, giving the impression there is someone home.

Install security doors and windows

Security doors and windows can help slow down burglars and even deter them from trying to enter your home in the first place. Crimsafe and steel security doors exceed Australian standards, and look great as well.

Create drop-off points for deliveries

When ordering goods online, make sure you tick the option for leaving your items in a safe place, rather than at your front door. If you don't have a safe drop at home, pick up your parcels at the post office.

Another option is to ask a trusted neighbour to pick up and hold parcels for you until you get back.

Maintain your property

An unkempt garden (or property in general) can indicate that no one has been at home for a while, or that the property isn’t well-secured or cared for. So make sure to maintain your property regularly and keep it looking nice.

Prepare before you go on holidays

The last thing you need is to advertise that your property is vacant. This can happen when the bins are left out for days or weeks, and the letterbox is stuffed full or is overflowing.

Ask a friend or hire someone to look after your place while you’re away. This may include clearing your letterbox, dealing with bin night, mowing the lawn, or even housesitting.

Lock up everything!

It’s important to not only lock the house but also your garage, sheds, gates, and your letterbox. Use strong locking systems (e.g. deadlocks and triple locks) on your doors to help improve your security.

Be careful where you keep those spare keys

Spare keys to your property should be given to a trusted friend or neighbour. This is far safer than putting them in places where burglars are likely to look – such as in the meter box or under a pot plant or the welcome mat!

Consider what you post online

When you’re excited about going away or to an event it can be easy to share it on social media for all to see! But this could advertise exactly how long your house will be empty. Avoid posting until you get home, and make sure you use the available privacy controls on your social media accounts.

Ask a neighbour to park in your drive

The presence of a car in the driveway can act as a deterrent as it makes it look like someone is in the house. So if you will be taking your car away with you, ask a trusted neighbour if they wouldn’t mind parking in your driveway during your absence.

Improve visibility

Dark areas on your property due to overgrown shrubs or trees can act as hiding spots for burglars, so trim or remove them.

What the experts say about home security!

According to opportunistic burglars interviewed by the Australian Institute of Criminology, some of the commonest mistakes property owners make include:

  • Lax security and easy entry – about two-thirds reported being able to easily enter a home through unsecured doors or windows. The offenders indicated this was the most common mistake made by property owners.
  • Low activity – for example, homes that appeared vacant (due to no lights, bins left out, no car in the driveway, deliveries near the door, and uncollected mail) were far more likely to be targeted.
  • Hiding valuables in ‘obvious’ places – such as in the freezer or top drawers. So, always be mindful of where you keep those treasures!
  • Leaving the lights or TV/radio on all the time – this was labelled “the oldest trick in the book” by offenders, and one that usually backfires. This is because while it is an attempt to make a property appear occupied, it advertises that it isn’t!

The most common deterrents to entering the property include working alarm systems, lights on inside the house in the evening, grilled windows and doors, visibility of the property from the street, sensor lights and locked gates.

If you'd like to find out more, why not take this online quiz by Crimsafe and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia to discover the security score of your home? From there you can find out what things you are doing right, and how you can make improvements to your home security. Talk to us if you'd like to discuss options for security doors.


For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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