

A dog door won't compromise your security door when properly installed. My Security Door uses Petaway to keep your home safe for the whole family.
21 March 2024
Can you install a dog door into a security screen door?

Welcoming a pet into your home can require adapting your living space to suit their needs, so the whole family is comfortable at home! One common adaptation pet owners consider is installing a dog door, offering their pets the freedom to go outside and come back in at their leisure. But what if your house is equipped with a security screen door? Can the safety of your home coexist with the convenience of a dog door? The answer is a resounding yes, and here’s how My Security Door makes it possible, with the integration of Petaway doors into your security screens.

The Possibility of a Dog Door in a Security Screen

At My Security Door, we understand the importance of maintaining the balance between home security and pet-friendliness. That’s why we offer solutions that do not compromise on either. A security screen with a dog door is not just a possibility; it’s a popular choice among pet owners who are also keen on safeguarding their homes.

How to Install a Dog Door in a Security Screen

The process of installing a dog door in a security screen is meticulous, requiring precise measurements and careful integration to ensure that the security features of the door remain uncompromised. Here’s a simplified overview of how we do it:

Measurement and Selection: The first step involves gauging the size and potential growth of your pet to determine the appropriate size of the dog door (we’ll need your help for this part!). We then select a Petaway door that fits these dimensions and your security screen door’s design.

Custom Fitting: Unlike standard doors, security doors require a custom approach. Our experts carefully cut a section of the security screen, ensuring the integrity of the door’s structure is maintained.

Installation: The Petaway door is then installed into the cut-out section. Special care is taken to reinforce the surrounding area of the screen, ensuring that the addition of the dog door doesn’t weaken the security door’s functionality.

Sealing and Finishing: Finally, the installation is sealed properly to prevent any gaps, ensuring insects, and other outdoor elements stay outside. The finishing touches are applied to make the dog door blend seamlessly with your security screen door.

Benefits of a Security Door with Dog Door

Incorporating a dog door into your security screen offers several benefits, including:

Convenience: Your pet can enter and exit the house as needed, which is particularly beneficial if you’re away from home during the day.

Security: With a Petaway door integrated into your security screen, you don’t have to compromise on security to provide freedom for your pet.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that both your home is secure and your pet is comfortable can provide significant peace of mind.

My Security Door's Commitment

At My Security Door, we’re dedicated to providing solutions that cater to the needs of pet owners without compromising on security. Our use of Petaway doors ensures that your security screen with a dog door meets the highest standards of quality and security.

With My Security Door’s expertise and dedication to quality solutions like Petaway doors, you can enjoy the best of both worlds—security for your home and freedom for your furry friend. If you’re considering adding a dog door to your security screen, reach out to us. Let’s make your home more pet-friendly without sacrificing security.

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