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Is a barrier door enough protection for your home? Read the features of a barrier door vs security door & the benefits of choosing Crimsafe & My Security Door.
28 February 2024
What is the difference between a barrier door and a security door?

Understanding the Difference: Barrier Door vs Security Door

When it comes to enhancing the security of your home or business, choosing the right door is crucial. There are key differences between a barrier door and a security door – this article will outline the differences of a barrier door vs security door to help you make an informed decision for your property’s security needs, lifestyle and budget.

Barrier Doors: A Blend of Security and Convenience

The security aspect of a barrier door lies in its construction. While it provides a moderate level of security, it’s more about acting as a deterrent rather than a formidable barrier against determined intruders. These doors may be suitable for residential settings where the main concerns are to keep out insects and small animals, and to offer a basic level of security.

Barrier doors are designed with a strong frame, typically made of steel or aluminium, and are fitted with a grille or mesh. The mesh design is not just about aesthetics; it provides excellent visibility and allows for airflow, making these doors a popular choice in climates where ventilation is a priority.

Construction: Barrier doors are typically made of a sturdy frame with a grille or mesh insert. The frame is usually made of steel or aluminium, and the grille can be made of steel or a strong aluminium alloy.

Security Level: These doors offer a moderate level of security. They are primarily designed to act as a deterrent against break-ins and to provide a physical barrier that prevents easy access.

Visibility and Ventilation: Barrier doors often feature a mesh that allows for visibility from the inside and good air circulation, making them a popular choice in areas where airflow is important.

Use: They are commonly used in residential settings where the primary concern is to keep out insects and small animals while also providing a basic level of security against intruders.

Security Doors: Maximising Protection

On the other side of the spectrum are security doors, which are engineered with the primary goal of safeguarding your premises. These doors are often constructed from reinforced materials like steel and come equipped with advanced features such as multi-point locking systems and tamper-resistant hinges.

The construction of a security door is all about strength and resistance to forced entry. Unlike barrier doors, they are tested against stringent standards to ensure they provide the highest level of security possible. Crimsafe’s unique security technology offers impenetrable protection, tested against international safety standards which are higher than the tests in Australia.

Choosing a Crimsafe model or My Security Door installation for your security door offers the best of both worlds. Our range of impenetrable doors come in an exclusive range of styles and are customisable, so you can choose your preference of airflow, visibility, privacy, colours and overall design! Check out our door visualiser to create your dream security door and see it on a photo of your own home!

Construction: Security doors are constructed with a focus on preventing unauthorised entry. They are often made with stronger materials like reinforced steel and may include features like multi-point locking systems, reinforced frames, and tamper-resistant hinges.

Security Level: These doors provide a higher level of security compared to barrier doors. They are designed to resist forced entry and are often tested against various standards to ensure their effectiveness in protecting against break-ins.

Visibility and Ventilation: While some security doors may sacrifice ventilation and visibility, Crimsafe and My Security Door models let you have it all (and customise it to your exact preferences!).

Use: Security doors are more commonly used in both residential and commercial settings where there is a higher concern for preventing break-ins and ensuring the safety of occupants and property.

Barrier Door vs Security Door: Making the Right Choice

While it’s true that some security doors sacrifice airflow, visibility or aesthetic in favour of security, My Security Door and Crimsafe offer the country’s leading security technology without compromising on design. You can see our extensive range of security doors at one of our 12 showrooms across Victoria, or using our virtual showroom.

Choosing Crimsafe and My Security Door gives you all the lifestyle and visual benefits of a typical barrier door, as well as the priceless peace of mind that comes with optimal security. Get a free measure and quote to start your security journey to protecting what matters most.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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