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What are sliding security screen doors? This type of security door can invigorate a renovation or home build, or optimise the safety or your existing sliding doors.
13 February 2024
What are sliding security screen doors?

What Are Sliding Security Screen Doors? A Comprehensive Guide

Sliding security screen doors can offer a prime solution for enhancing safety without sacrificing aesthetics. These innovative doors are not just any ordinary barrier; they are a testament to how security can blend seamlessly with design. This guide delves into what sliding security screen doors are and their unique benefits.

Introduction to Sliding Security Screen Doors

Sliding security screen doors are an advanced form of protection for your home. Designed to fortify the vulnerable sliding glass door entry points, these doors combine sturdy materials like steel or aluminium with a robust mesh screen made from stainless steel or durable alloys. This combination ensures that while your home remains secure, it doesn’t lose out on style or airflow.

Sliding doors can open up your home, perfect for days spent entertaining outside and running back and forth from your guests to the kitchen. A typical sliding door can be easily broken into, and you deserve better protection than a broom jammed in the door runner! Crimsafe and My Security Door Sliding Doors provide optimal security and peace of mind.

Why Choose a Sliding Security Screen Door?

Enhanced Home Security

The core advantage of a sliding security screen door is its ability to deter break-ins. Engineered to resist tampering and forced entry, a security sliding door is your home’s first line of defence against potential intruders.

Ventilation and Visibility

Opting for a sliding security door doesn’t mean you have to compromise on the comforts of fresh air and natural light. These doors are designed to allow airflow and provide clear visibility, ensuring your home stays airy and bright.

Durability and Aesthetic Appeal

Sliding security screen doors are built to last, offering resistance against weather and wear. With various design options, they enhance your home’s aesthetic, proving that a security sliding door can be both functional and stylish.

Ease of Operation

Despite their sturdy build, these doors boast a smooth sliding mechanism, making them easy to use daily.

Crimsafe Sliding Security Doors

Crimsafe doors offer leading edge security door technology, protecting your home with a groundbreaking carbon fibre clamping system, hidden tamper proof security screws and cover strip and Tensile-Tuff Mesh™.

Browse our Crimsafe Sliding Security Doors or Hybrid Sliding Security Doors.

The Installation and Maintenance of Sliding Security Screen Doors

Installing a sliding security screen door is straightforward and significantly boosts your home’s security profile. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the security screen and lubricating the sliding mechanism, ensures longevity and reliability.

Having a licensed expert install your security screens and doors is not only preferable to ensure your safety, but it can also lower insurance premiums! Reach out for a free measure and quote from our team of experienced professionals.

The Importance of Sliding Security Screen Doors

What are sliding security screen doors, if not a blend of security, functionality, and design elegance? They not only secure a vulnerable entry point but also promote ventilation, allow natural light, and add to your home’s visual appeal. If your home has sliding doors, they should be made secure! By choosing to install a sliding security screen door, you invest in a solution that offers peace of mind, enhanced comfort, and a touch of elegance.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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