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Wondering what exactly makes one door so much safer than another? Homeowners and families deserve reliable security doors, so we pair with Crimsafe to offer you the best security doors in the country. That’s not just our opinion – Crimsafe is rigorously tested to meet or significantly exceed Australian safety standards. So, how do Crimsafe doors work?
1 August 2023
How do Crimsafe doors work?

Wondering what exactly makes one door so much safer than another? Homeowners and families deserve reliable security doors, so we pair with Crimsafe to offer you the best security doors in the country. That’s not just our opinion – Crimsafe is rigorously tested to meet or significantly exceed Australian safety standards. So, how do Crimsafe doors work?

Crimsafe’s security technology

The genius behind Crimsafe is the unique safety features:

  • Tensile Tuff® Mesh
  • Tamper Resistant Screws
  • Screw-Clamp™ technology with Clamp Hook
  • Clip-in cover

Here’s how they work…

Tensile Tuff® Mesh is a patented extra-strong mesh significantly thicker than other screens on the market, making it the most force-resistant option in Australia. The unique material is resistant to oxidisation and corrosion, meaning it won’t be weakened by the elements. Speaking of the elements, Tensile Tuff Mesh can withstand up to 5 x gale force winds, and fire. Keep danger, bugs and UV rays out of the home while still welcoming air flow and light as you need.

Tamper Resistant Screws are unique to Crimsafe, designed with special drive-heads which can only be removed with specific tools exclusive to Crimsafe licensees, like My Security Door.

Screw-Clamp™ technology secures mesh to a screen with a vice-like grip. The Screw-Clamp™ design helps disperse force through the screen door, absorbing huge amounts of impact. Screw-Clamp™ is much stronger than alternative designs that use glue, pop-rivets, welded corners or plastic wedges, which can often be broken with a few good kicks or some common tools! The Crimsafe Clamp Hook helps to disperse force to the mesh around the frame by acting as a locking point and lever.

The Crimsafe Clip-in Cover conceals everything with a final layer of defence that adds to a clean and polished aesthetic. The clip-in covers are precision-engineered for the perfect fit, making it incredibly difficult to remove once installed and protecting the inner products from a build-up of impurities.

How can Crimsafe claim to be Australia’s safest security screen?

Rigorous testing, that’s how. Crimsafe security screens are tested for:

  • Strength against real-world attack
  • Superior strength against impact
  • Resistance to knife attack
  • No leverage for tooled attack
  • Too tough to pull down

Here’s how they do it:

Strength against real-world attack is tested against the European RC2 requirements, which are more stringent than Australian standards. Crimsafe is the only Australian brand that meets European standards. The RC2 test is conducted under fully controlled settings in a laboratory and involves a series of trials against weapons and forceful attacks, including:

  • 12 stress tests on locking points, hinges, panel edges and bearing points
  • Seven impact stress tests against 50kg dropped from 450mm high
  • Manual attempts with various tools to jemmy the door from eight different points

Superior strength against impact tests against potential kicks, punches or charges. The Australian standard tests a security screen against five impacts of 100 joules, equivalent to the typical exertion of force from an average Australian male weighing 86 kg. Crimsafe screens surpass these requirements, protecting against above-average levels of force.

Resistance to knife attack simulates slashes from a small to medium blade as typically favoured amongst intruders. A heavy-duty trimming knife is sliced along the mesh with force up to 35kg using a downward pressure of 15kg for 250mm. This action is performed three times – in order to pass, a screen must not be penetrated in a line longer than 150mm.

no leverage for tooled attack test uses a rotational force of 450 kg applied for 20 seconds at all locking, hinging and fastening points around the security screen. A large screwdriver is then inserted at these points and mechanically rotated until either the force required or an 80° rotation has been achieved. The screen must remain locked to pass. Crimsafe Ultimate and Crimsafe iQ products are specially designed to be supremely lever-defiant.

Crimsafe doors are tested against the Australian Standard Pull Test to ensure they are too tough to pull down. The Pull Test simulates an attack on the security screen by pulling at the bottom, middle side and top of the screen. The screen must stay securely attached, and its mesh must remain fixed in the screen. Screw-Clamp™ technology and Tensile-Tuff® mesh easily protect against pulling and tugging.

My Security Door and Crimsafe

My Security Door offers a licensed Crimsafe installation with a laser-precision fit, completely custom to your door frame. We are also the exclusive provider of designer styles of Crimsafe Security Doors, so you never have to choose between safety and style.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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