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Security doors might be tough and robust, but they can also look stylish. MSD discusses common mistakes people make when choosing a security door.
6 October 2022
Five common mistakes when choosing a security door

A robust security screen door is an effective deterrent against intruders, helping prevent entry by being highly resistant to force, tearing, cutting or removal.

You might assume security doors will naturally look industrial, and lack style. But fortunately, that isn’t the case. In fact, there's a wide range of security door designs available to suit just about any home in terms of visual appeal.

You do have to be careful in your choice of door though, and make sure you're buying one that both looks good and offers a high level of security.

Here are 5 common mistakes when choosing a security door - and how to avoid them!

Matching the security door to the front door

People tend to think they can just match their security door to their front door. But it's more important to look at how the security door will complement your home's facade, character and architectural design as a whole.

Let’s take a heritage home as an example. In this case, a standard Crimsafe door is likely to look too plain, and out of place. A better option might be to go for a steel security door that has highly decorative lacework patterning. There are lots of options for patterns and colours to choose from.

If you have a modern home, a standard Crimsafe door can blend right in with the facade. Or you might want to go for contrast, and make your security door a feature. The Crimsafe designer range options make a statement, while still offering the same high level of security.

Choosing a door that looks great at the neighbour's place

You might see your neighbour’s new security door and think – that looks great, I should install one at my place. That could be a big mistake though! The door might not work unless your home has a similar facade in terms of colour and style.

It's better to do some research and see if there is a more suitable match available. Visit our Virtual Showroom for loads of design options. Whether you're looking for something edgy and sleek, unobtrusive or traditional, we've got you covered. And when you find something you like, use our door visualiser to see how it will look at your place.

Picking the wrong colour

There are plenty of colours to choose from with security doors, and it's important to get this right.

With a steel door, it's a good idea to match the colour to your timber door. Crimsafe doors however are designed to blend in with your door jamb, so it would be best to match the colour with that.

You might also want to take the colour of your window frames into consideration when choosing the colour of your door - either to contrast or blend in.

Not taking strength and durability into account

To pass as a genuine security door, a screen door must meet Australian Standards. Some screen doors look good, but are not genuine security doors in that the screens are relatively easy to cut or remove. True security doors have screens that are virtually impossible to cut, remove or kick in.

For example, the screens in Crimsafe doors are made from thick 304-grade stainless steel which is virtually impossible to cut. The screens are secured using a patented screw-clamp method, which makes them extremely difficult to separate from their frames. Crimsafe screens are also highly corrosion-resistant, which means they can be a great investment for the long term. And of course they come in a wide range of great-looking designs!

Not considering other factors such as airflow

As well as strong screens and great designs, it’s important to consider a few other factors in your choice of your security screen door. These include:

  • Airflow

Screen doors allow you to keep your external doors open and create cooling cross breezes in warmer weather. But different screens provide different levels of airflow. For example, premium privacy mesh tends not to have the same level of airflow as the stainless steel mesh used in Crimsafe.

  • Privacy

Privacy mesh is the least transparent of all the screen types, and might be the right type for you if privacy is a top priority. However, it’s important to consider the evenings when your indoor lights are on, which can still allow people to see inside your home. In this case, you may need to find additional ways to protect your privacy.

  • Locking security

While having a top-strength mesh screen is crucial for security, the door could be let down if it has a weak locking mechanism. Ideally, your security door should have 3-point locking that is resistant to being bumped out of line or drilled out. We recommend Lockwood 8654 locks as they come with a triple locking mechanism as well as anti-bump cylinders and anti-drill capabilities.

Call us for assistance

One of the best things about our range of security doors is that it allows you to choose a genuine security screen that prevents intrusion, but that doesn’t compromise on style and design.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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