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Crimsafe mesh is made from highly corrosion-resistant steel & coated with a fade-resistant powder, making it a strong and durable choice for your security door.
16 October 2023
Does Crimsafe mesh rust?

When it comes to home security, Crimsafe has gained a reputation for its robust and effective security solutions. Crimsafe mesh is a popular choice for security doors and windows due to its strength and resistance against intrusion. However, a common question that arises is, "Does Crimsafe mesh rust?" In this article, we'll delve into the durability of Crimsafe mesh and address the concerns surrounding rust.

Understanding Crimsafe Mesh

Crimsafe mesh is a high-tensile stainless steel mesh that is meticulously engineered to withstand extreme weather conditions while providing formidable protection against unwanted intruders. This mesh is known for its exceptional strength and durability, making it a favoured choice for security-conscious homeowners.

Does Crimsafe Mesh Rust?

One of the key advantages of Crimsafe mesh is its resistance to rust and corrosion. Unlike traditional security meshes that might be vulnerable to rusting over time, Crimsafe mesh is specifically designed to resist corrosion, ensuring that it remains robust and reliable even in harsh environments

The Science Behind Crimsafe's Resistance to Rust

The rust-resistant properties of Crimsafe mesh can be attributed to the materials and technologies used in its construction. Crimsafe employs 304-grade stainless steel, which contains a higher percentage of chromium than regular steel. Chromium forms a protective layer on the surface of the steel, creating a barrier against corrosion and rust.

Crimsafe mesh is then coated with a UV fade-resistant powder which helps maintain its pristine finish and protect against the environment. Crimsafe mesh is ideal for homes located near coastal areas or regions with high humidity levels.

Maintenance and Longevity

While Crimsafe mesh is engineered to be highly resistant to rust, proper maintenance is still essential to ensure its longevity. Regularly cleaning your security door using mild, non-abrasive cleaners and warm water will help maintain the appearance and durability of the mesh. Additionally, routine inspections of the mesh and its surrounding components can help identify any issues early on, ensuring that the security system remains effective.

With the right care, Crimsafe security doors will remain resistant to rust and corrosion

In summary, Crimsafe mesh is designed with durability and rust resistance in mind. Its use of high-tensile stainless steel and specialised construction techniques make it highly resistant to rust and corrosion, even in challenging environmental conditions. Homeowners can trust Crimsafe mesh to provide long-lasting security without compromising on appearance or functionality. Remember that while Crimsafe mesh requires minimal maintenance, regular cleaning and inspections will contribute to its continued effectiveness and aesthetic appeal. Check out our Crimsafe door range or learn more about Crimsafe’s unique safety technology.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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