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Wondering if security doors really prevent break-ins? Spoiler: they do! Find out how and learn which security doors to choose.
8 November 2023
Do Security Doors prevent break-ins?

The question of whether security doors can effectively prevent break-ins is a crucial one for homeowners – will this investment truly protect your home and family? When choosing your security door, it’s important to look at a security door’s safety technology. In this article, we will explore the efficacy of security doors in preventing break-ins, as well as offer valuable insights into choosing the right door for your home.

Understanding the importance of security doors

Security doors are designed to provide an extra layer of protection for your home. They are often constructed from sturdy materials like steel or hybrid constructions and equipped with advanced anti-intrusion technology, making them a formidable barrier against potential intruders.

Not all security doors are created equal. When choosing your home’s first line of defence, remember if it’s not Crimsafe, it’s not crim safe; Crimsafe offers unique security technology unparalleled by other Australian brands. It’s important that your security door is installed by a professional. My Security Door is a licensed Crimsafe partner, and we offer laser-precision fits for your doors. Book a free security door measure and quote to learn more!

Do Security Doors prevent break-ins?

When considering the effectiveness of security doors in preventing break-ins, several factors come into play:

Durability and Material

High-quality security doors are typically made from robust materials, such as steel, which are difficult to breach. This makes it significantly more challenging for an intruder to force their way into your home through the front door.

Advanced Locking Systems

Security doors often come with advanced locking mechanisms that are tamper-resistant. These locks can deter potential burglars, as they are less likely to be able to pick or break them.

Visible Deterrence

The mere presence of a security door can act as a deterrent. Intruders are more likely to target homes with easy access points rather than ones that appear fortified.


How to secure the front door from break-ins

The front door is a primary point of entry for burglars, so it’s essential to secure it effectively:

Reinforce the door frame

A sturdy door frame can prevent an intruder from kicking the door in.

Install a peephole

A peephole allows you to verify the identity of visitors without fully opening the door.

Use a high-quality lock

A deadbolt lock is a formidable deterrent against break-ins. Crimsafe offer three-point locking systems on hinged doors, which you can unlock all at once with your key, but create triple the obstacles for intruders.

Security doors are indeed effective at preventing break-ins. Their durability, advanced locking mechanisms, and deterrence make them a formidable obstacle for potential intruders. To further bolster your home’s security, securing sliding glass doors and front doors with additional measures can provide extra peace of mind. By combining these precautions, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a break-in and keep your home and loved ones safe.

Investing in security doors and following best practices for securing entry points is a wise choice that can provide you with a greater sense of security and well-being in your home.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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