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Interested in a cheaper alternative to Crimsafe? My Security Door can help you find the best option for your home, within budget.
4 September 2023
Are there security door options cheaper than Crimsafe?

Crimsafe is a well-known and reputable security door brand known for its high-quality products and enhanced security features. Boasting the best safety technology in Australia, Crimsafe offers a fair price tag for something as priceless as safety and peace of mind. Are you looking for a cheaper alternative to Crimsafe? There are reliable security door alternatives to Crimsafe that may save you some money. We believe your security doors are an investment in house value and security for your family and valuables, but we appreciate that budgets can only be stretched so far, and it's important to explore your options.

Beware of Crimsafe copy models

A cheaper knock-off model may look like Crimsafe, but it will not have the unique technology that truly keeps your home and family safer! Any security doors that claim to be the same as Crimsafe are absolutely bending the truth, as Crimsafe technology is patented and specific to the brand and licensed installers. In fact, only a licensed installer has the tool to undo the screw clamps on a Crimsafe door – any tools available at a general hardware store will not do the job.

Remember, if it’s not Crimsafe it’s not crim safe. There are no cheaper alternatives to Crimsafe that still provide your home with all the security benefits. Any Crimsafe alternative that states they are as good as Crimsafe is a cheaper option that provides a lower degree of safety and break in prevention. Crimsafe doors go through rigorous testing to ensure every product meets or exceeds Australian standards (most Crimsafe products meet stricter European standards, unlike any other Australian security door).

At My Security Door, we offer licensed Crimsafe installation and exclusive designs. Our unique range of Steel and Hybrid security doors outside of the Crimsafe range all meet Australian standards and can provide a more budget-friendly alternative to Crimsafe without compromising on safety. Many copy models pretend to be Crimsafe but may use less sophisticated mesh, or screw-clamp alternatives like cheap and ineffective glues. My Security Door doesn’t cut corners on our non-Crimsafe door options.

My Security Door alternatives to Crimsafe

My Security Door is a proud Crimsafe licensee, and we sell exclusive designer doors with Crimsafe technology. We love installing Crimsafe and can't recommend it enough. We are committed to your family's safety, and all of our other security door products are designed with safety front of mind and installed with laser precision for your home's needs. Consider these My Security Door alternatives to Crimsafe:

Hybrid Fly Door

  • From just $350
  • Uses a security frame rather than a standard lightweight fly-screen frame
  • Security locking technology
  • Durable

7mm Diamond Hybrid Security Door

  • From $400
  • This classic style has proved its worth time and again
  • Easily meets Australian safety standards and offers multiple locking technology options
  • Heavy duty

When looking for cheaper alternatives to Crimsafe, consider the following:

My Security Door offers several Hybrid Security Door options as an alternative to Crimsafe that sit at similar price points as the lower end of Crimsafe products.

We also install Steel Security Doors with solid security features at a lower cost compared to more advanced options. While they may not have all the bells and whistles of some Crimsafe options, they can still provide trustworthy security within budget.

Remember that when it comes to security doors, quality and durability are crucial factors. Cheaper options from different brands might compromise on materials, construction, or security features, which could impact their effectiveness in keeping your home secure. Always do your research, read product reviews, and consider the reputation of the manufacturer before making a decision. Wherever possible, see if the door meets industry safety standards or certifications (as all My Security Door and Crimsafe products do).

Crimsafe is a premium brand known for its high-quality security doors, and while it may come with a higher price tag compared to some cheaper alternatives, there are several compelling reasons why it might be worth the investment:

Unparalleled Security

Crimsafe doors are built to withstand forced entry attempts, making them incredibly secure. The company uses a unique patented technology that utilises high-tensile stainless steel mesh and a patented screw-clamp system, making the doors much stronger than traditional security screens. This level of security provides peace of mind, knowing that your home is protected against intruders.

Durability and Longevity

The superior materials and construction used in Crimsafe doors contribute to their long lifespan. They are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, and corrosive environments, without compromising their integrity. Investing in a durable door like Crimsafe means you won't need to replace it as frequently (or possibly ever!), saving money in the long run.

Protection Against Insects and Pests

Crimsafe doors keep intruders out and act as an effective barrier against insects and pests. The fine mesh prevents insects from entering your home, providing additional benefits beyond security.

Aesthetic Appeal

Crimsafe doors are aesthetically pleasing and come in a variety of designs and colours. They can complement the overall look of your home without compromising on security, making them a stylish choice for homeowners.

Warranty and Support

Crimsafe typically offers a substantial warranty on their products, demonstrating their confidence in their door's durability and performance.

Reduced Insurance Premiums

Some insurance companies may offer discounts on homeowner's insurance premiums for properties with enhanced security measures like Crimsafe doors. Over time, these discounts can help offset the initial higher cost of the door.

Enhanced Resale Value

Investing in a high-quality security door from a reputable brand like Crimsafe can potentially add value to your property. Homebuyers often appreciate the added security features, which could make your home more appealing when you decide to sell.

In summary, Crimsafe offers a level of security, durability, and design aesthetics that may not be matched by cheaper alternatives. While it's important to consider your budget, investing in a high-quality security door like Crimsafe could provide you with greater peace of mind and long-term value for your home.

For expert advice on the right security door for your property, or for expert advice on installing security mesh on windows at your property please contact our experienced sales team on 1300 025 025.

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